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Patrick and Tyler burying papa John in sand

We always love to go to the assateague beach near Ocean City, Maryland. We love to see the ponies roam free even on the beaches, They are the chincoteague ponies that swim across the bay each year the third thursday in July to be auctioned off and the ones that don't sell swim back for the next year. The beach is very nice, has nice bathrooms with showers and the atlantic ocean is great to swim in. The grandkids always love to bury Papa John in the sand and this year we got to take our great nephew Patrick who is like our grandson ever since he was born. He always has a special place in my heart. John was able to Bless him when he was a baby and I fly out in Oct. for his birthday alot. His mother Dawn lived with us for her teen years so she is like my Oldest daughter. I Love all my nieces as well. Was glad Wendy and the grandkids were able to make the trip. We had a lot of fun memories.